We come together around what we hold in common. In that, we begin to commune with one another around our common center. From that communion, a community and its identity are formed. When a community begins to express its identity and beliefs, it externalizes in what we know as communications—this is the site where artists paint, writers write, speakers speak, filmmakers film and the broadcasters broadcast. The communications of any given community have an innate reason for being, a purpose to accomplish—a commission. All flowing from a common center.
This platform is to be a representation of our collaborative creative community. Here you find images and words of all kinds as an expression of our communion.
Our Common Center? Jesus Christ. We believe every word recorded about him and everything said. We want to point to that truth and experience that meaning through the public witness of our community.
What do we make here?
We make truth common.
What do we believe?
Come and see.