The Journey of a Refugee- Lesvos, Greece
In 2015, hundreds of thousands of refugees arrived on the shores of the Greek island of Lesvos. "The Journey of a Refugee" tells the story of these refugees that travel through Lesvos on their voyage westward. The journey ahead of them is long and hard. The outcome is unknown.
Hope for Venezuela
Un pequeño mensaje de esperanza para nuestros amigos venezolanos. Tu nos importas. A small message of hope for our Venezuelan friends. You matter
“A Divine Composition”
Do you have the desire to reach the world for Christ? Like a song within you that must be shared? Moody Bible Institute can help you find and play your part.
But I Hope In God - Nate Lee, XN Sessions, Adam Weincouff
Written by Nate Lee and Adam Weincouff; filmed and produced by XN Records.
Biggest thanks to Luke Castaldo, Isaac Mitchel, Landry Wilson, and Ryan McConnaughey for putting this whole project together!
Anxious Devotion - Taylor Marie (Live Music Video)
Anxious Devotion is a song for those who go into their quiet times with burdens in hand. We serve a God who miraculously accepts us as we are- anxious, imperfect, and frail. When I went to my piano to write this I was in an unsettled place, and the music and lyrics poured out.