the story of Thin Space.
Thin Space is an art and theology journal that serves to glorify God by showcasing intelligent theological creative works from students, faculty, and alumni. Each volume of Thin Space has a distinctive theme and diverse artwork, yet all contain deep exploration of God in artistic expression.
Originating in 2015 through a Moody Bible Institute student’s senior project, Thin Space grew into a full publication under Moody Media Lab. Thin Space recently released its 8th volume, “Redolence,” in May 2023.
The name Thin Space comes from an old Irish teaching that there are places on earth where the atmosphere collapses and heaven sags to earth, a place charged with sacredness, a place close to God. They call them, “thin places.”
A creative gathering rich in skill and heart, the Thin Space team curates, edits, and designs the publication. The team includes the creative director, the business manager, the photography team (lead photographer + photographer), the design team (lead designer + 2 designers), the writing team (lead writer + 2 writers) and the faculty advisor.
From the first pencil marks of a poem to the printed volume, Thin Space is a collaboration. Each year, artists create meaningful reflection on a unique Thin Space theme.
Once the theme of the annual volume is decided by the team in early fall, submissions are accepted over the several following months. Photography, visual art, digital design, 3D art, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction are among the many genres submitted.
Come early spring, the Thin Space team gathers the submissions. The team looks for written and artistic pieces that demonstrate theological depth, professionalism, and creativity. During this decision process, submission creators’ names remain confidential to prevent bias.
The remainder of the spring is spent preparing Thin Space for publication, under the leadership of the creative director, the support of the business manager, and the guidance of the faculty advisor. The writing team works closely with each contributing writer to refine written work. The photography team takes high quality images of the visual pieces and meets with artists to discuss artist statements. The design team gathers finalized submissions and creates layouts, assembling the final book. Thin Space is then delivered to the printer.
In the late spring, Thin Space returns to the team as printed books. The team then releases it to the student body.