The Irish have an old teaching that there are places on earth where the atmosphere collapses and heaven sags to earth, a place charged with sacredness, a place close to God.
They call them “thin places.”
Thin Space exists to explore the overlap of art & theology. We hope to aid the cultivation of the Christian imagination through beauty, thematic unity, and artistic diversity.
we are innately collaborative
Ready to Submit?
We cannot make Thin Space without you! We eagerly anticipate receiving your theologically bent art. Submissions are currently open; click here to submit! Submissions close on January 6th, 2024! Please email us at mmlliterary@moody.edu with any questions.”
Our Publications
The dusk of Jesus’ wrestling in the garden with His impending death. The dark of His being abandoned by those He had shepherded. The dawn of the day that He would be sacrificed on the cross for sin. Thin Space Volume 7: “Gethsemane” is a reflection on the humanity and deity of Christ, His submission the Father’s will, and the nascent hope of His glorious resurrection.
The true light descended to a shadowed and shattered world. His outstretched hand piercing darkness like a nail piercing flesh, inviting all into a renewed fellowship in His glorious light. In the wake of COVID-19 disrupting the felt experience of community and nearness, this edition of Thin Space explores our shared communion with the Triune God and His people.
In the heart of Europe lies a river, that like many, does not cease in movement, rather progresses onward with the utmost consistency; Rhein. This volume is intended to connect readers to the patterns of life which flow ever forward; rhythmically in motion. Artists have contributed pieces that depict the patterns of life that are truly never stagnant, but rather always taking new form in new territories. In these pages, we contemplate the beauty of change’s rhythms, as well as the grief and joy that accompany them.
Thin Space Vol. 4 develops the theme “latent” through theologically-informed art created and curated by students. Its painted cover stretches the boundaries of what a Thin Space looks like. And this volume explores how to live well in a world where much exists in unconscious form and is present but not yet actualized.
A point, a critical moment — the choices that define our times. This third volume of Thin Space wrestles with themes of faith centered around our critical moments. Thin Space invited artists and writers to express moments of tension, chaos, or celebration that are experienced throughout their journey.
The Japanese concept, ma, inspired this volume of Thin Space. Ma is an artistic and cultural term that might be translated to mean pause, gap, interval, or negative space. It is the opposite of form and function. While western thought does not have an exact translation or a one-for-one equivalent for ma, it does stir up questions. Can ‘nothing’ mean something? Is this ‘negative space’ substantive in any way? Sometimes, with big questions like these, art provides the closest thing we can get to concrete answers.
Developing film requires a darkroom: darkness, the right washes, fixers, and rinses. In this, we consider human beings as handmade things in need of development and, sometimes, in need of darkrooms. This volume is an exploration of some of the shadows in our lives, contours less seen, stories untold.